When I agreed to go on a week long trip with a youth group I hardly knew, I was apprehensive. When I realized what it really meant for me to be serving on this trip as a leader, I was scared. The morning we left, I was almost in tears, nervous and anxious about the week ahead of me. As each hour passed by, my fears did too. With every conversation I had, every joke I told, every dinner I ate, I was given the opportunity to learn about the lives of these teens (and leaders as well), and open up to them as they did the same. I was welcomed with an overwhelming sense of love, and was taken in by this group of people. Over the course of a week, I formed relationships I pray will be lifelong.
It was hot. Really, unspeakably hot. We had the opportunity to do ministry to two different apartment complexes, working with the children who lived there. One of our sites was completely shaded, the other was not. It was amazing to me to see the kids still come out everyday, despite the less than ideal conditions outside. I mean it was really hot, and still we got kids to come learn about Jesus and have fun every day of the week. It was also really amazing to see the teenagers in this youth group spend their time talking to kids they don't know. When I was there age, I don't think I could have done what they did this past week. I am so in awe of the love and kindness I was blessed to witness coming from the hearts of today's youth.
On this trip, I spent a week living with, worshipping with, laughing with, and ministering with a gigantic group of teenagers, and a handful of really awesome leaders. I don't really know what I expected to get out of this trip, but it was definitely not what I got. I received a renewed passion for relationships, some new really good friends, (ahem, looking at you, Lovelle and Samantha), and a desire to worship the way I saw the teenagers all around me doing. It is always funny to me when I learn things from people I didn't expect to be learning from. During some of our group sessions, many of the teens mentioned that they thought the kids were teaching them more than the other way around, but also the teens were teaching me more than I ever imagined. It really is an incredible feeling to be as young as I am, but still knowing that those younger than me are still growing and are going to do so many greater things than I could ever think of.
The whole trip, people kept telling the teenagers, "you are here because God wants you here." I know it was for the teens, but I couldn't help but thinking they meant me too. While I was absolutely terrified and had NO idea what I was getting into, God had a plan, and used this trip to work in my own heart and life as well as the other great ministry being done there. I really, seriously could not have been more grateful for this opportunity, and will cherish memories from this trip forever. After every flat tire, talent show, sweaty van ride, mildly sketchy shower environment, and paper bag lunch, I will always hold Mission Arlington '22 close to my heart. I cannot wait to see the amazing things coming out of this youth group as they find their identities in Christ and continue to do His work.
To anyone who was on this trip who reads this, please know how deeply you impacted me. I had such an amazing time, and wish we were still there. I am praying for the ongoing work down in Arlington, as well as for each and every one of you. There were 42 people I served alongside on this trip, and I valued every second spent with each one of you.
